What to do with a 55 mm pearl?!

Every time our buying team takes a trip to Asia, we are always excited to see what sort of "special goodies" they might return with. This past March, Jeremy and Hisano attended one of the large Hong Kong jewelry shows (they are headed back to the show next week, by the way) and spent a day finding those one-of-a-kind pieces that are just too good to be true!

The pearl below is a perfect example. This monster is 55 mm in length and 35 mm wide! What does one do with a pearl this large? We could design around the pearl by putting a trunk and a couple of horns on her to create a pearly wooly-mammoth. We could just create a basic brooch and let the pearl speak for itself.

We haven't decided what to do this this pearl yet, but in the meantime, everyone should get the chance to enjoy Mother Nature's massive work of art!

A giant freshwater pearl measuring a whopping 55 by 35 mm


  • Brenda Smith

    I see a form forcing its way out of the earth or oyster, as if it had no other choice! What possibilities! Cuff?

  • Yvie

    Oh my god. My heart just jumped out of my chest — that pearl is absolutely electrifying.

  • Beth Welker

    You could set it sort of like the Hope Diamond was set prior to the latest reset. On a thin chain of diamond (or pearls.)

  • Karen Chouinard Fernandes

    Gorgeous…. I suggest brooch

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